Friday, May 24, 2013

Podiatric Culture

Having PENNIES in your PENNY loafers is BORING.  Boring like the strawberry hard candy your grandpa carries in his pocket.  Boring like the Law and Order courtroom scenes when you're 9.  Boring like white people dances.  

It's time to change out your currency.

European coinage, you're a snob.  Asian, you're a nerd.  Pesos are your best bet.  

They say: Hey, I'm fun, and different, and down to earth, but still fun, and have possibly smuggled cocaine.  

Gracias for asking.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Go See: Mud

Matthew McConaughey is a badass.  A filthy, snaggletoothed, murderous, Reese Witherspoon loving, living in a boat in a tree badass.