Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How I Made the Lindale News and Times

I have done things in my life of which I am not proud.  This is NOT one of them.  

It was an abnormally hot Saturday in July of ‘96.  The Rangers had a four game lead in the West, Independence Day was the #1 movie in America, and I was in love with US Olympic Gymnast Dominique Moceanu.  

My friend Brandon and I had spent the morning cycling our usual summer path; once around the block, up to the newly built high school, once around its parking lot, and back.  Approximately 2.5 miles round trip.  

Once we had pedaled all our 13 year old legs (and attention spans) could handle, we took refuge beneath the two giant oaks that shaded Brandon’s yard.  As we sat and rested, Brandon began to contemplate who had the best arm in the Rangers’ outfield.  I married Dominique Moceanu in my mind. 

It didn’t take long for our bodies to rejuvenate - as is the case when you’re 13 - and our minds soon turned to the subject of “What now?”.  Any form of competitive sport was out of the question, seeing as Brandon and I playing one-on-one anything almost always ended in fisticuffs, and I had quickly learned that fighting was not one of my spiritual gifts.  

Schoolboy Q - Break the Bank (Explicit)

I first fell in love with Schoolboy Q here.

Then again here.

Now this:

I'll take Q over any of his TDE/Black Hippy cohorts.  Even Kendrick.  Yeah, I said it.