Sunday, December 1, 2013


It's sweater weather out there.  Don't mess it up.


Always have the shirt collar inside the sweater collar.  If not, your sweater looks like a striped vampire.
Also, don't have eyes that look like you just did heroin then cried.  


See how much better that looks.  
And that hair....


Always tuck your shirt in.  You look like your 8th grade nephew if you don't.


Better.  People will think you're a professional, and try and buy stocks and bonds from you.  


Sweaters should almost always have a collared shirt underneath, but v-necks ALWAYS should.
You're Joey from friends if you don't.

You're my ideal father if you do.


Loose ties look terrible always, especially underneath a sweater.


There he is.  There's that guy that everyone respects and loves and fears and envies and lusts after.

And remember:  Girls can break all these rules.  Because they are girls, and they are pretty.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Wolf of Wall Street

Who'da thought the "Ask me about my wiener" kid would have two best supporting actor nominations by 2014?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Podiatric Culture

Having PENNIES in your PENNY loafers is BORING.  Boring like the strawberry hard candy your grandpa carries in his pocket.  Boring like the Law and Order courtroom scenes when you're 9.  Boring like white people dances.  

It's time to change out your currency.

European coinage, you're a snob.  Asian, you're a nerd.  Pesos are your best bet.  

They say: Hey, I'm fun, and different, and down to earth, but still fun, and have possibly smuggled cocaine.  

Gracias for asking.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Go See: Mud

Matthew McConaughey is a badass.  A filthy, snaggletoothed, murderous, Reese Witherspoon loving, living in a boat in a tree badass.     

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Masters 2013

As the golf word descends upon GA this weekend for what is the most important tournament God ever made, let us all take a moment to remember the magic that occurred at Augusta last year.

Bubba Watson attempts to become the first back to back Masters winner since Tiger Woods in '01 and '02, but it will not come easy.  With a field comprised of names like Mcilroy, Mickelson, and Rose, this year's green jacket could go to anyone.  Oh, and that Tiger guy.  He's playing.  And he's not bad at golf.

The Masters 2013  
April 11, 12, ESPN
April 13, 14, CBS

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson

Takeaway #1  Artists are crazy.
Takeaway #2  Crazy breeds crazy.
Takeaway #3  This is probably a good thing.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Deerhunter - Helicoptor

There is a person walking this earth right now named Bradford Cox.  He is 6’4’’ and looks like this shirtless.  He’s in a band called Deerhunter.  He also releases solo music under the moniker Atlas Sound.  Both entities are really, really good.
I ran into him at the Lennox Mall in Atlanta once.  As I exited a store, he breezed by, a phone to his ear and a bag over his shoulder.  I stopped dead in my tracks, turned to my boo, and whisper screamed “That’s that dude from Atlas Sound and Deerhunter!”.  Then we both shouted “Braaaaaaadfoooooooorrrrrrrddddddddd”, and he heard us.  He stopped, turned back, smiled, and said, “This never happened, you are way too shy of a human to talk to ANY stranger, much less someone you perceive as a celebrity.  And you, YOU?!, shouted across a mall full of people that judge people that shout across malls?  Pahlease”.  To which I replied, “You’re right. But I did see you at the mall.  I didn’t say anything.  But I did see you though.”  And he said “Yup. Cool.”

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Goodbye 2012

It's the first weekend of the new year, and spirits are high!  Everyone's (more than likely) coming off a short work week, there's tons of meaningful football on TV, and diets don't start 'til Monday.  Roll Tide!* 

"2013 is going to be MY YEAR!"  I've probably said this 50 times in the past week.  And I've meant it.  Passionately.  And believe it.  Whole-heartedly.  

But the more excited I get about the possibilities 2013 has to offer, the more I think back on 2012 and wonder why I am so adamant that it WASN'T my year.  Granted,  I did not accomplish a single item from this list, but, if I'm being completely honest with myself, half of those were probably unattainable anyway.  

The more I think back, the more I begin to realize that 2012 was kind to me.  Good things happened.  I had fun. 
I took this picture on opening day: